1. hopefully 有希望的
例句: This will help with my assimilation to a new culture and hopefully make new friends. 这样有助于我融入新的文化,并且有望交到新朋友。
2. approximately 大约
例句: Our English teacher isapproximately in her thirties. 我们英语老师有30岁模样。
3. strangely 怪异地
例句: Slowly and strangely, the place began to growon me. 真是不可思议,我渐渐地喜欢上这个地方了。
可用场景: 地点类、旅游类话题可用
4. luckily 幸运地
例句: Luckily there was a taxi stand nearby. 幸好附近就有一个出租车候客处。
可用场景: 事件经历类话题可用,比如一次迟到的经历,堵车的经历等等。
5. unfortunately 遗憾地
例句: Unfortunately, Ihaven't seen him for several months since he attends university abroad. 很遗憾,自从他出国我已经好几个月没见过他了。
可用场景: 朋友类话题,比如“一个多年不见的朋友”,“一个健谈的朋友”等等
6. actually实际上
例句: They always say timechanges everything, but you actually have to change it yourself. 人们总说时间会改变一切,但事实上,你必须自己去改变一切。
可用场景: 事件经历类话题可用
7. definitely一定地
例句: Definitely, it isnecessary and vital for people to have a solid understanding of their country’s history. 对于人们来说,充分了解自己国家的历史是很有必要而且必须的。
可用场景: 地点建筑类、历史类话题,比如“一个历史景点”、“博物馆”等等
8. probably 或许
例句: Swimming is probably the best form of exercise you can get. 游泳或许是现有的最佳锻炼方式。
可用场景: 运动类话题,比如“你喜欢的运动”、“你常用的放松的方式”等
9. frequently频繁地
例句: Eating out too frequently is not good for family members’ communication. 频繁地出去吃饭不利于家人之间的交流。
可用场景: meal类话题,比如“一家常去吃饭的餐馆”等
10. normally 通常地
例句: Normally, a scientifically set classschedule is beneficial for the future development of the children. 通常来说,科学的课程表设置对孩子的长远发展有利。
可用场景: subject类话题,比如“你讨厌或喜欢的学科”等